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Privacy Policy

The website is the official website for the publication of articles via
the Internet by the non-profit civil society company TERIREM AMKE.
The website provides services and/or information as well as products (electronic
publications) under the following terms of use, which visitors (hereinafter referred to as the
Users) are invited to read carefully and browse/use only if they fully accept them. Use
implies acceptance of these terms.
Acceptance of the Terms of Use
Each visitor/user who enters and uses the services of the website is deemed to consent and
accept unconditionally the following terms, which are compatible with the applicable Greek
Law. The non-compliance of the user/customer of the website to these terms implies the
removal of all liability by TERREM AMKE in relation to any affected natural or legal persons,
while the visitor/user acknowledges the right of TERREM AMKE to change the provisions of
these terms, insofar as they do not relate to binding legal obligations. The visitor/user who
visits the website acknowledges that he/she has read these terms, agrees with them and
undertakes to comply with them, both in the context of the contract established by
accepting them and in the context of their general obligation to comply with the law. If a
visitor/user does not agree with these terms, then he/she must refrain from using the
website of TERIREM AMKE and from any transaction with it.
Users of the website must comply with the rules and provisions of Greek,
Community and international law governing communications and intellectual property, as
well as refrain from any illegal and abusive use of its content and services.
They must also behave in a decent, courteous and discreet manner when
During their visit and use of the website, they are prohibited from adopting unfair
competition practices or other practices contrary to NETIQUETTE (Code of Conduct for
Internet Users). Any damage caused to resulting from the bad, illegal or
unfair use of its services by Users will be the sole responsibility of the Users.
Information and Products Provided
All content, information and services provided on belong exclusively to, except for those expressly identified as coming from third parties.
Limitation of Liability
TERIREM AMKE is not liable to visitors/users for any damages that may arise from the
execution or not of their order.

Among other things, it provides its content and services available through its website as they
are. The content of is religious, scientific, cultural, educational,
informative, recreational, however Users cannot fully base their behavior on the content
included in it and TERIREM AMKE assumes no responsibility in case the content included in turns out to be inaccurate. In particular, it shall not be liable for any
positive and/or consequential damage suffered by its Users. In any case, it will make every
effort to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in and derived from It assumes no responsibility for content and data originating from third
parties. does not guarantee that the pages, services and content will be
provided uninterrupted, error-free and that errors will be corrected.
Also TERIREM AMKE through also does not guarantee that the same or
any other related website or webpage or server through which they are made available to
Users do not contain viruses or other harmful components. does not
guarantee in any way the correctness, completeness or availability of the contents of pages,
services, options or their results.
In the event that a lawsuit or claim is brought against TERIREM AMKE that will

Any form of infringement on the part of the Users of the, the latter undertake the obligation to intervene in the relevant
proceedings and to compensate TERIREM AMKE in case it is obliged to pay compensation or
other expenses.
Furthermore, the information provided about Holy Monasteries of Mount Athos or
Orthodoxy everywhere and all related articles, texts and audiovisual material are of an
exclusively informative nature and do not express in any way their official position on a
specific issue, unless explicitly stated. TERIREM AMKE does not represent the
aforementioned holy monasteries. The content of the Website is the responsibility of
TERIREM AMKE and its affiliated persons.
Intellectual Property Rights
The website was created by TERIREM AMKE and is the intellectual
property of its creators, in accordance with Law 2121/1993 “On Intellectual Property”, as
amended and in force today and the international conventions signed by Greece.
Any intellectual creation incorporated in the website belongs to TERIREM
AMKE and/or other persons or entities in accordance with the provisions of the copyright
law. In any case, the entire content and services of are provided to its
Users exclusively for their personal use.

Apart from the copyrights of third parties, partners and institutions, all content of the
website, including images, graphics, photographs, texts and products are the intellectual
property of TERIREM AMKE and are protected according to the relevant provisions of Greek
and European law, as well as international conventions and treaties.
Accordingly, none of them may be sold, copied, modified, reproduced, republished,
reposted, uploaded, transmitted or distributed in any way, in whole or in part. Except in the
case of a single copy of part of the content stored on a single personal computer for
personal and not for public or commercial use without deleting the indication of origin and
without in any way affecting the relevant intellectual and industrial property rights. The
other content included on and bearing the name or trademark of others
such as partners, institutions, associations of organizations, companies and natural or legal
persons in general are their own intellectual and industrial property and therefore these
persons and institutions are responsible for them. Users understand and accept that they
are not granted the right to reproduce, copy, sell, resell and/or commercially exploit in any
way all or part of the content of
It is prohibited to copy, record, distribute, transfer, resell or mislead the public about the
owner of the content of the website. Reproduction, re-publication, uploading, posting, or
any other use of the content in any manner or means for commercial or other purposes is
permitted only with the permission of or other legal owner of the
aforementioned copyrights.
The names, images and logos representing TERIREM AMKE and its products are the exclusive
trademarks of TERIREM AMKE and are protected by Greek, Community and international
laws on trademarks and industrial and intellectual property. In any case, their appearance
and display on the website should in no way be construed as a transfer or
assignment of a license or right to use them.
Personal Data Protection
TERIREM AMKE wants to inform you about how we collect personal data from and about
you through the website operated on , and how we use and share that
personal data.
TERIREM AMKE provides this Privacy Notice (hereinafter “Privacy Policy” or “Policy” or
“Notice”) in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation 679/2016 on the
protection of personal data (the “Regulation”) and the applicable national legal framework,
underlining its commitment to protect your personal data.
In this Privacy Policy you will find all relevant information applicable to the use of users’
personal data, regardless of the channel or medium (online or in person) of TERIREM AMKE
that you use for your transactions with us.

We are the civil non-profit company under the name TERIREM AMKE, located in Drama at 4
Velissariou Street, responsible for the processing of your personal data that we collect
through the Company’s Services in accordance with the General Regulation EU 2016/679
and the applicable legislation.
You can contact the Company at the following e-mail address
This Policy, as well as our Cookies Policy, applies to all users, including those who use the
Company’s Services without being registered and those who are registered.
The Company’s Services are aimed at the general public, are not directed at children and do
not knowingly collect personal data from children under the age of 16.
This website may use cookies to identify the following
its users. The user can configure their browser to reject the use of cookies. No user’s ip
address is detected and stored by this website. A third party provider (e.g. google analytics)
may track the ip address of users of the website in such a way, however, that only the user’s
location and no other information is disclosed to the website administrators.
TERIREM AMKE collects (1) transaction and registration data when you perform a
transaction, when you register or when you register with one of TERIREM AMKE, (2) public
data and publications that you share through TERIREM AMKE Services, (3) data that you
have allowed social media to share with TERIREM AMKE, (4) activity data when you access
and interact with a TERIREM AMKE service. In particular, TERIREM AMKE collects the
following types of data from and about you:
Transaction and registration data, i.e. the information you submit in order to perform a
transaction with TERIREM AMKE and/or to subscribe to a TERIREM AMKE Service, for
example to make a book purchase, to create an account, to post comments, to receive a
newsletter, or to participate in a contest or a digital event. Registration information may
include, for example, first name, last name, email address, gender, country, postcode and
date of birth.
Public data and posts consisting of comments or content that you post on the TERIREM
AMKE Services and your personal data accompanying such posts or content, which may
include your nickname, username, comments, likes, status, profile information and photo.
Public information and postings are always public, which means they are available to
everyone and may appear in search results on external search engines.
Data from social media. If you access or connect to a TERIREM AMKE Service through a social
media service or connect a TERIREM AMKE Service to a social media service, the data we
collect may also include your user ID and/or username associated with that social media
service, the information or content you have allowed the social media service to share with
us, as well as your profile photo, email address, and any other information or content you
have allowed the social media service to share with us. When you access TERREM AMKE

Services through social media services or when you link a TERREM AMKE Service to social
media services, you authorize TERREM AMKE to collect, store and use the relevant personal
data and content in accordance with this Policy.
Activity data. When you access and interact with the TERIREM AMKE Services, we may
collect certain information about those visits. For example, to enable your connection to the
TERIREM AMKE Services , our servers receive and record information about your computer,
device and browser, including possibly your IP address, browser type and other software or
hardware information. If you access TERRIM AMKE services from a mobile or other device,
we may collect a unique device identifier assigned to that device, geographic distribution
data or other transaction data for that device. We may also collect cookies and other
tracking technologies (such as browser cookies, pixels, beacons and Adobe Flash technology
commonly called “Flash cookies”).
Information from other sources. We may supplement the information we collect with
information from other sources, such as publicly available information about your online and
offline activity from social media services and commercially available sources.
We do not collect:
Financial information from a payment service provider: in some cases, we may use an
unaffiliated payment service to enable you to make payments. . Any information you
provide to a Payment Service will be subject to the Payment Service’s privacy policy and not
this Policy. We have no control over, and are not responsible for, any use by the Payment
Service of information collected through any Payment Service.
Sensitive information: we ask that you do not send or disclose sensitive personal information
(such as social security numbers, information about your racial or ethnic origin, political
opinions, religion or other beliefs, health, criminal background or trade union membership)
to or through the TERIREM AMKE Services or otherwise.
Associated services
Finally, TERIREM AMKE’s Services may also be linked to websites operated by non-affiliated
companies and entities in general, and may provide advertisements or offer content,
functionality, newsletters, contests or applications developed and maintained by non-
affiliated companies and entities in general. TERREM AMKE is not responsible for the privacy
practices of non-affiliated companies and general entities and once you leave the TERREM
AMKE Services or click on an advertisement you should check the other service’s applicable
We use the personal data we collect from and in relation to you:

a). In order to provide you with TERIREM AMKE Services –

b) To measure, analyze and improve those TERIREM AMKE Services; – To provide you with
the services you have requested; – To provide you with the services you have requested; – To
provide you with the services you have requested; – To measure, analyze and improve those
c) To improve your experience through TERIREM AMKE Services (both online and offline) by
providing content that you may find relevant and interesting;
e) To provide you with customer service and to answer your questions; –
f) To protect the rights of TERIREM AMKE and others. For example, there may be
circumstances in which TERIREM AMKE may use your personal data, including where
TERIREM AMKE believes, in good faith, that such processing is necessary to: (i) protect,
enforce or defend the legal rights, safety or property of TERIREM AMKE or their employees,
agents, contractors, licensors and suppliers (including to enforce our agreements and terms
of use),
g) For the purposes of complying with applicable laws or legal procedures and/or to respond
to requests from competent government authorities;
h) To allow social transaction functionality – if you link or connect a social media service
account to the Company Services, we may share your username, photo and likes, as well as
your activities and comments with other users of the Company Services and your friends
associated with your social media service. We may also share the same personal data with
your social media service provider;
i) Subject to your prior consent, to send you (via email, sms, phone, chat and social media)
invitations, announcements, newsletters and informative material about the activities of
TERIREAM AMKE and the services of the website
j) the condition of your prior consent to analyse your behaviours, habits and consumption
trends and to send you commercial communications tailored to your interests and needs
through the communication methods mentioned above (hereinafter “Profiling”).
We may use anonymous data or data that no longer identifies you personally, even
indirectly (e.g. statistics) for any purpose or disclose them to third parties.
The processing of your personal data for the purposes of:
Section 3, points a) to f) of this Policy is necessary for the provision of the requested services
and, therefore, it is mandatory, because otherwise the services could not be provided,
Section 3, point g) of this Policy is required under applicable laws and, therefore, is also
On the contrary, the processing of your personal data for the other purposes:

Section 3, point (h) is at your discretion, but without your consent it is impossible to connect
a social media service account to the TERIREM AMKE Service, which means that you will
have to connect to the Company Service using a different mechanism, Section 3, points (i)
and (j) are at your discretion, but without your consent it is impossible for TERREM AMKE
and/or third parties to provide you with general commercial communications of TERREM
AMKE and services/products or communications of third parties based on your interests and
needs and to provide you with services under the same brand name.
You may withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data for the purposes of
Section 3(h) to (j) at any time by sending a notice to the email address described in Section
11 below.
Your personal data may be processed in hard copy, by automated or electronic means, as
well as by non-automated means, including by post or email, telephone (e.g. automated
telephone calls, sms, mms), fax and any other means (e.g. online websites, mobile
applications) and protected by appropriate security measures, taking into account the state
of the art, the cost of implementation and the nature, scope, context and purpose of the
processing as well as In particular, TERIREM AMKE uses appropriate administrative, technical
measures, in terms of personnel, and physical measures aimed at protecting the personal
data in its possession from loss, theft and unauthorized use, disclosure or modification.
TERIREM AMKE may disclose your personal data for the purposes of Section 3 above to the
following categories of recipients located within the European Union or outside the
European Union in accordance with and within the limits of the provisions of Section 7
a. To third party service providers who are Processing activities and, when required by the
service providers, by the applicable laws, duly appointed as processors (e.g. cloud service
providers, service providers serving or supporting the Services of TERIREM AMKE and
therefore, for example and without limitation, Banks, companies that provide services
technology and IT services, payment services, partners and providers partners, and suppliers
of logistics, transport and delivery services, service providers that service providers, partners
and providers of services related to customer service, partners and service providers that
marketing and advertising related services, experts, consultants and lawyers.
The data processors appointed by TERIREM AMKE include providers of IT, payment and
marketing and advertising related services, e.g. visitor and customer satisfaction
measurement, statistical analysis, re-targeting, analysis for personalized promotional
activities. In particular in relation to payment services by debit or credit card within the
European Union, this consent includes the information defined in the EU Directive PSD2 (EU
2015/2366) and may include, for the purposes of “strict customer authentication”, the cross-
referencing of two or more items of data or information or unique physical characteristics
that distinguish you, in order to optimally safeguard your transactions against criminal

activity. You may request from the Company a full list of data processors appointed by the
Company at the address set out in Section 11 of this Policy; and
b. To the competent authorities for purposes of compliance with applicable laws.
Some of the processors listed in section 6 are located outside the European Economic Area,
so your personal data may be transferred to countries both within and outside the EEA and
in particular to the Americas. Some providers in the Americas are Privacy Shield certified,
which certification can be checked at the link below:
The European Commission recognises that some non-EEA countries provide an adequate
level of data protection in line with EEA standards. The full list of these countries is available
transfers/adequacy/index_en.htm .
For transfers from the EEA to countries that are not considered secure by the European
Commission, we have put in place appropriate and adequate safeguards designed to protect
your personal data and the transfer of your personal data in accordance with applicable data
protection laws, such as standard contractual clauses approved by the European
Commission in accordance with Articles 45 and 46 of the Regulation, the content of which
you can check at the following link:
You also have the right to request a copy of the above measures and further information
about your personal data by contacting the Company at the address indicated in Section 11
of this Policy.
You can exercise the following rights at any time:

a. The right of access which means that you are entitled to receive confirmation as to
whether your personal data exists and to be informed of its content and origin; and to have
access to it.
b. The right of rectification, which means that you are entitled to verify the accuracy and
completeness of your personal data and to request the correction, completion of incomplete
data, having regard to the purposes of the the updating or modification of the data;
c. The right to be forgotten which means that you are entitled to request the deletion of
your personal data without undue delay if there is a legitimate reason under the Regulation,


    1. Your personal data is no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which it has been
      collected or processed by TERIREM AMKE
    2. You withdraw the consent you had given for the processing of your personal data and
      TERIREM AMKE has no other legal basis for processing them
    3. You have objected to processing in accordance with the Regulation and either there are
      no compelling legitimate grounds for the processing or you object to processing for direct
      commercial purposes; promotion, including Profile Training;
    4. Your data has been unlawfully processed;
    5. Your data must be deleted in accordance with a relevant legal obligation of the Company.
    6. The right to request TERIREM AMKE to restrict the processing of your personal data in
      case there is a legitimate reason in accordance with the Regulation, i.e:
      Question the accuracy of personal data until we take the necessary steps to correct or verify
      its accuracy,
      ii. The processing is unlawful, but you do not want us to delete your personal data,
      iii. we no longer need your personal data for the purposes of processing, but you need it to
      establish, exercise or defend legal claims; or

iv. You have objected to processing on the grounds of legitimate interests pending
verification as to whether TERIREM AMKE has compelling legitimate grounds to continue
ε. The right to object, which means that you can object to the processing of your personal
data if the request is lawful, including the processing of your personal data for direct
marketing or Profiling, where this is the case;
f. The right to portability, which means that you are entitled to receive an electronic copy of
your personal data if you wish to transfer the personal data you have provided to us, either
to yourself or to another provider where your personal data is processed by automated
means and the processing is either (i) based on your consent or (ii) necessary for
The performance of TERIREM AMKE Services; and
j. The right to lodge a complaint with the competent data protection supervisory authority,
i.e. the Hellenic Data Protection Authority (
You can send your request to the address mentioned in Section 11 below. In your request,
include your email address, name, address and telephone number and clearly specify the
information you want to access, change, update, remove or delete.

We remind you that even after you cancel your account, or if you ask us to delete your
personal data, copies of certain information from your account may remain visible in certain
circumstances where, for example, you have shared information on social media or other
services or, for example, where the retention of such copies is necessary for purposes of
complying with legal obligations or for legal defence purposes. Due to the nature of caching
technology, your account may not be immediately inaccessible to others. We may also retain
backup information about your account on our servers for a period of time after your
cancellation or request for deletion, for purposes of complying with applicable law.
We also give you many choices about the use and disclosure of your personal data for
marketing purposes. You can withdraw your consent with respect to:
Receiving electronic communications from us. If you no longer wish to receive emails from
us related to the content of the website, activities and events of TERIREM AMKE , you can
opt out of receiving marketing-related emails either by following the instructions to
unsubscribe from our newsletter or by simply changing your preferences in your user profile
settings if you are a registered user or by using the consent management tool available at
You can also send a request to the address listed in Section 11 of the Policy. In either case,
TERREM AMKE may continue to send you administrative notices regarding the provision of
the TERREM AMKE Services.

We will retain your personal data only for the period necessary to fulfil the purposes for
which the data was collected as described in this Policy. In any case, the following retention
periods will apply in relation to the processing of your personal data for the purposes set out
The data collected for the purposes referred to in Section 3, points a) to g) of this Policy are
retained during the provision of the Services of TERIREM AMKE , plus the duration of the
limitation period according to the applicable legislation, after the termination of the
Company’s Services. The data collected for the purposes of Section 3, point h) of this Policy
are retained for the period of time required to connect to TERIREM AMKE Services through a
social network;
The data collected for the purposes of Section 3, point i) and j), i.e. for marketing and
Profiling purposes will be kept by the Company from the moment you provide your consent
until the moment you withdraw your consent. Once you withdraw your consent, your
personal data will no longer be used for the above purposes, but may continue to be held by
TERREM AMKE , in particular as required to protect the interests of TERREM AMKE related to
potential liability in relation to such processing, unless further clarification is provided by the
competent supervisory authority.
At the end of the retention period, your personal data will be cancelled, anonymised or


TERIREM AMKE may amend or update this Policy for any reason (including, but not limited
to, changes in applicable law and interpretations, decisions, opinions and orders regarding
such applicable law.)
Refer to the Effective Date at the top of this Policy to see when it was last revised. Any
changes to this Policy will be communicated in advance by posting the revised Policy on the
Company’s website,

TΕΡΙΡΕΜ AMKE broadcasts online meetings on the website via the ZOOM
platform. These meetings are live streamed on and on social media,
filmed, edited and rebroadcast on the above-mentioned media. Registering use on the
relevant platform and logging in to watch live and participate in a digital gathering means
acceptance of these terms of use, as well as the user’s consent to the filming, live streaming
and rebroadcasting in any online, digital or other media of ΤΕΡΙΡΕΜ AMKE, the user’s image,
and any verbal participation, whether anonymously or not (through questions, dialogue,
etc.). Minors may attend and participate in digital meetings with the consent and
accompaniment of parents. In this case, participation means that the parent consents to the
above, also with regard to the minor.

If you have any questions about this update, please contact us at
The specific contract of use is governed by the provisions of Greek law, the directives and
regulations of Community law and the relevant international provisions, the codes of
conduct and is interpreted on the basis of the rules of good faith, morality and the economic
and social purpose of the right.
If any provision is found to be contrary to the law and therefore invalid or void, it shall cease
to apply automatically, without prejudice to the validity of the other provisions.
No modification of the terms of this contract shall be taken into account and shall not form
part of it unless it has been expressed in writing and incorporated into it.
The competent courts for any disputes arising from this contract are the Drama Courts.
For more information about TERIREM AMKE, and their partners, please see If you believe that any of your work has been copied or posted
on in a way that violates your rights, please send a written notification to and we will deal with the matter immediately. In order to
facilitate and expedite the resolution of the dispute, you may be asked for further evidence
and formalities regarding your rights.